$120 per 50 minute session

Individuals - $85 per 50 minute session
                     $100 per 60 minute session

Couples - $100 per 60 minute session


$60 (sessions are 50-60 minutes)

Cash or checks accepted.
Make checks payable to "Immanuel Center for Growth and Healing, LLC" (we have a stamp if that makes things easier).

Call us at 717.654.2959 if you have any questions or to schedule a time.
Neither Randy nor Stacy are in-network with any insurance company.

Randy can issue a superbill that you may submit to your insurance company for reimbursement subject to your plan. 
Cash or Check

We affirm The Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds.

The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, died, and buried; He descended into hell; The third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, And sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From there He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in The Holy Spirit; The holy catholic Church; The communion of saints; The forgiveness of sins; The resurrection of the body; And the life everlasting. Amen.

God's Aim in History
"The aim of God in history is the creation of an all-inclusive community of loving persons with God himself at the center of this community as its prime Sustainer and most glorious Inhabitant."
Dallas Willard